Review by: Lucas Kurmis, Writer
Edited by: Andrew Perrizo, Writer/Assistant Editor @playlistTC
Photo of Serious Machine
This song and music video are both seemingly minimal, but have a lot of depth as they open up, and as you open up to them. The video is all one shot. We start with a close up of lead singer Corey and her guitar as she opens the song, singing over a two chord guitar line. The video pans back slowly, revealing the rest of the band as the drop kicks in and they join, playing a bass line and drum pattern. We get the full picture of the band as they are all playing. The camera starts to pan forward, back in again, as Corey plays a delay-heavy solo. Suddenly the camera is too close, claustrophobic as the solo seems out of control. The drums and bass are similarly wild until they cut out, leaving only the delayed/looped guitar line that loops more tightly until it just glitches out into noise. Everything fits in the song and video, and everything feels purposeful.
“I wrote down the lines "do the things I say ring ring in your head like the things you say ring ring in mine" 6 years ago. 3 years ago, I stumbled upon the lines again in my journal and the rest of Ring Ring poured on out. When I brought the song to the band, we had only been playing together for maybe five months but it sort of cemented our bond and was the catalyst for the next chapter of Serious Machine. The music video process happened really fast; we didn't really know what we would end up filming until the morning of, other than we knew we had this intense architectural space built by artist Chris Larson. We just ran through the song until things felt right. It was a million degrees that day and we started to get tired. We made an impulsive trip to the beach, swam in, booked it back to the studio, did one more shot, and that shot became the final cut. I like continuous shots because imperfection and vulnerability are guaranteed.”
-Corey, Series Machine
Make sure to follow Serious Machine on all platforms.
Upcoming shows:
October 28th - Amsterdam Bar w/Happy Apocalypse, Josh Sky, Shush
October 29th - Palmer's w/Butter Boys, Super Flasher
November 6th - 331 w/Uncle Jesse's Comb, Jeweler