Reviews by: Drey Kereakos, Writer @drey.d.k.,
Andy Ellis, Writer @andysmileyjay,
Andrew Perrizo, Owner @PlaylistTC
2023 can best be described as hectic. So much happened in the last year and so much amazing music was released. It was an impossible task trying to keep up with it all. The writers at Melodic Noise Media did our best, these are just a few of our favorite EPs released by the Minnesota music scene in 2023.

Drey’s Favorite EP’s:
she’s green “Wisteria”
To me, it’s special when a musical work can be both emotionally moving and sonically seamless. “Wisteria” by she’s green manages to do all that and more. The guitar parts are melodic, intense, and haunting. They fill every ounce of space, while simultaneously creating it. The drums and bass throb and flutter, while vocalist Zofia Smith floats effortlessly through it all. What Smith is expressing is intentional and personal, yet vague enough that you can also face your own self in those experiences. Each track flows into the next, making a slightly over 21 minute experience, one you never want to end.
Favorite Tracks: Lakes, Mandy
Related Articles: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 03/01/23
Lutalo “AGAIN”
For twin cities-raised and currently Vermont-based artist Lutalo, music is an act of hope. Following up their 2022 EP release “Once Now, Then Again”, is the 2023 companion EP, “AGAIN”. Through all the fuzzed out guitar, tightly knit drumming patterns, and occasional sprinklings of synth, sirens, and other sonic offerings buried within, Lutalo articulates living. Living within social systems, patterns, and political structures that have proven time and time again to not work in favor of racially marginalized people. The opening track “PLPH” (an abbreviation of the words “Pretty Little Painted House”), in and of itself is a metaphor referencing the struggle in navigating politically driven structures as a marginalized person of color, and the desire for a more equitable future. “Dreaming of a scene that would be better than allowed, the crowd is entitled to their vision, hear them make their sound”, Lutalo sings.
Favorite Tracks: PLPH, WAR
Related Articles: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 11/1/23
bugsy “Now I Spend All Of My Time Alone”
I’m sure a lot of you reading this probably knew this would make it on my list, as I’ve already written extensively about this project as well as attended the release show (which, ICYMI, you can read about below). However, all of that aside, I am a bugsyhead without a doubt. Literally each and every one of the songs on this EP have gotten stuck in my head at some point, guitar parts included. A brief but intentional selection of songs that I feel only get better with each listen. They are as enthusiastic as they are meaningful, a perfect culmination of friendship, collaboration, and self-reflection.
Favorite Track: town crier
Related Articles: bugsy "Now I Spend All Of My Time Alone" , "Now I Spend All Of My Time Alone: The Release Show

Andy’s Favorite EP’s:
Adam Azra’el “To Whatever End - EP”
I’ve always enjoyed music that transports me to another place. Adam Azra’el’s EP, “To Whatever End,” does that with its worldly sound that reminds me of Josh Groban. From the opener “Abraham” to the closing of “Follow,” I feel every song could have been brought to life among ancient ruins or a quiet little village where they may not even understand the language. But they recognize beautiful music - this is that.
Related Articles: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 09/13/23
Birdhole “No Greater Meaning EP”
Birdhole’s “Names” hooked me with their ability to harness the unwavering energy of those who have stepped up for the next era of the fight for social justice. It also reminded me that songs with a message need to focus on being powerful songs first, then people will come back to listen to the message. The band’s passionate energy is front and center on the rest of the EP with the pleading-loudly-for-peace “Walk Away,” groovy bass led “Whispering", and slightly calmer “Hits Harder.” Then it concludes with a slight sonic departure on “Scott, Let Me Be Frank With You” that starts as an acoustic confessional, and then ends with the whole band throwing down like it’s their life’s purpose.
Related Articles: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 02/22/23
Cindy Lawson “Don’t Come Crying to Me”
Cindy Lawson’s newest project “Don’t Come Crying to Me” is the sound of someone having a ton of fun in their happy place. Lawson and her band make a joyous, back-to-basics Rock ‘N’ Roll record that’s full of attitude, and will scare away all the right people. As a newcomer to her music, consider me converted.
Related Articles: Andy's Songs of the North Playlist Reviews - December 2023
Nigel T “Young Dracula EP”
Titling it “Young Dracula EP” and releasing it just before Halloween already sets a certain mood. As the opener “Runnin’ Through the City” starts I can see Nigel T and crew rolling through town as the night is about to bring All Hallows Eve alive, and the feeling runs through the whole project. Like the EP’s namesake, the night is when they come alive ready to do what it takes to survive while getting more than a little hazy. It’s a sonic journey that’s mysterious, mischievous, and ready for your car speakers.
Oister Boy “Wycliff St. EP”
This band is quite possibly one of my favorite discoveries in music for 2023, and their debut EP “Wycliff St.” is a major reason for that. Their energy is very youthful pop-punk which is in your face on “My Dog Natas” and “Deplorable Jim,” and then there’s the Paramore-like balladry on the title song that I have had on repeat many times in 2023. And if you really listen to the lyrics on songs like “Tgbft” you can hear the depth the songwriting has already taken for a band that’s clearly killing it, and is just warming up.
Related Articles: Melodic Noise Insider Podcast: #5 Oister Boy Part 1

Andrew’s Favorite EP’s:
Fend "True Sequel"
"True Sequel" is an incredibly enjoyable listen. The EP hits me right in my emo loving heart with jangly riffs and a bass that is bouncy on almost every track. The EP starts off with two fun songs, "Valley Scare," which concludes with a guitar so distorted it nearly sounds like a buzz saw, and "Cimini," which is a cute song about a cat, I think. "Soft Light" slows things down a bit and Fend gets reflective, which might just be my favorite track on the EP.
Favorite Track: Soft Light
Related Articles: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 02/22/23
Ber "Halfway"
Striking the perfect balance between pop and rock, Ber's six songs for breakups and heart break will have you reminiscing about the ones who got away and the ones you're better off without. The music video for "Slutphase" was my first introduction to Ber, a fun song and video about putting her exes behind her. My personal favorite song on the EP is "Your Internet Sucks," wishing all kinds of misfortune on Ber's ex, including that their internet sucks.
Favorite Track: Your Internet Sucks
Related Articles: Ber "Slutphase" Music Video Review
Joe Bartel "Powerplant"
Some how I never seem to notice the transition between "Powerplant" and "Creepy Crawl." Each song is distinctly different, but it's just Joe strumming his acoustic guitar and singing about irrational hope in a cruel world. These first two songs are more upbeat with frantic strumming, which is balanced by "Pile of Dust"'s guitar noodling and raw emotional vocals.
Favorite Track: Creepy Crawl
Related Articles: ALLERGEN // JOE BARTEL // LEX NOENS - MARCH 17
Stay At Home Astronaut "Different Waveforms"
Blending the best elements of punk and indie rock, Stay At Home Astronaut's EP "Different Waveforms" is out of this world (ugh, sorry.) The vocals are affected, landing somewhere between shouted and singing, giving a sense of urgency to the lyrics. With palm muting and restrained riffs, the guitars and bass are delightfully frenetic. The drums hold it all down, no matter how wild things get the music never feels out of control.
Favorite Track: Sharpened Tongues
Foe "Press Start"
"Press Start" includes some of the dirtiest guitar tones I've ever heard; I love it. The mix is clean, yet reminiscent of the alternative rock of the mid-'90s. This EP also has hooks for days and some catchy drum fills. The laid back vocal delivery hypnotizes you into getting lost in the waves of rock blissfully washing over you.
Favorite Track: Only You
Birdhole "No Greater Meaning"
"No Greater Meeting" has every style of punk covered. "Names" opens the EP with a politically charged protest song, about police brutality in the Twin Cities. "Whispering" is a heavy bass forward jam that grooves. My favorite track is "Hits Harder" which is a fucking pop-punk bop! "Scott, Let Me Be Frank with You" finishes out the EP with a more heart on sleeve emotional track, cranking up the energy mid-way through.
Favorite Track: Hits Harder
Related Articles: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 02/22/23
Honorable Mentions:
andthecanaryfell "In Memoriam"
Angelenah "I Don't Regret A Thing"
Beemer "Perfect Solution"
Diegetic "Become the Ground"
K.Raydio "Metamorphosis"
Kyrie Nova "Alison"
Maplebrook "Funny Then"
Oister Boy "Wycliff St."
Palm Friends "The Delivery"
Ray Gun Youth "Craigslist Champions"
Sweet Looks "Sleepfighting"
Temporal Riff "BLOODWINE"
The Del-Viles "Daydreamer"
Tiger Blue "Tiger Blue EP"
Unattractive Giant Monster "Return of the Attack of the Mutant Pizza!"