Reviews by: Andy Ellis, Writer @andysmileyjay,
Andrew Perrizo, Owner @PlaylistTC
So the hardest part of writing year end reviews is finding unique descriptions that ultimately just mean "this album fucking rocks, check it out!" All of these albums fucking rock, and you should check them out. Hopefully we were able to explain the essence of these projects a bit more than such a surface level glance. While we do one last look back at 2023, consider joining us on February 24th to help us celebrate doing this for 5 YEARS! We are having a gig to benefit She Rock She Rock at Eagles 34. Check out the poster at the bottom of the article.

Andy’s Favorite Albums:
Mae Simpson “Chandelier & Bloom”
I love when an album makes me want to check a band out live as soon as possible. This is exactly what Chandelier & Bloom did for me with Mae Simpson and her band. The opener “Cap Guns” perfectly introduces Simpson and her crew with energy and spotlights each instrument. There’s also the immediately groovy “Sally” with an epic saxophone solo, the mid-tempo title song, the dream realizing “Plain Clothes Dreams,” and the acoustic conclusion of “Mountains” that will put you in the Appalachian outdoors. Whatever they’ve got coming next, I’m in.
Related Article: Melodic Noise Insider Podcast: #7 Mae Simpson
Juice Lord “8th Inning : Luv VS Passion”
I made it a mission to get more into Minnesota’s Hip-Hop scene, and Juice Lord’s 8th Inning: Luv VS Passion was the first to really hook me. As a whole record it’s a belly-filling meal of soul food music that delivers on production, personality, and of course the word of Juice Lord. There’s the message of struggle with an immediately hooking beat on “The Thrill,” the more serious and reflective “Change Clothes (feat. Tylar Berry),” the artistic statement of the title track, and more. If you’re looking for an introduction to Minnesota’s Hip-Hop scene, start here.
Related Article: QT's? "It's a Long Way Down" Review
Durry “Suburban Legend”
Durry’s debut Suburban Legend has been a journey of endless discovery for me. Upon first listen it’s a lively pop-punk record ready to be turned up to 11 with plenty of opportunities for sing-a-longs. But the more I dig into the lyrics the more I hear the substance. There’s the never-give-up anthem of “Who’s Laughing Now,” an energetic and honest ode to lead singer Austin Durry’s wife “TKO,” and the leave your hometown rebellious title song. Then it closes with the hopeful “Encore” that’s reaching to those who have been through tough times, and saying “We’re pulling for you.” Turn it up and get ready to start feeling again.
Related Article: Andy's Songs of the North Playlist Reviews - November 2023
Molly Brandt “Surrender to the Night”
More country music needs to be made like this. The themes these Brandt sings about are mainstays in the country music world, but her approach is more Margo Price than Nashville writer’s room. She dives into the traditional sound with “Bluff Country Paradise,” “Eagles 34,” and the title song. She dips into country-rock on “Propane & Cigarettes,” and then there’s the slow country-blues epic of “Revenge” that includes a delicious guitar solo. She closes it out with her own rendition of Lucinda Williams’ “Minneapolis. She’s got the vocals of someone raised on the greats, the storytelling skills of someone dedicated to the craft of songwriting, and a band that knows how to help bring her stories to life and puts us in each song’s world. She’s got it all.
Related Article: Melodic Noise Insider Podcast: #6 Molly Brandt
Semisonic “A Little Bit of Sun”
The moment I hear the first notes of the opener and title song “Little Bit of Sun” I’m filled joy, happiness. I know it all starts with GRAMMY-winning frontman Dan Wilson’s sincerity-filled vocals. Every time I hear his voice it’s the sound of someone who uses music to spread hope and legitimately cares. But the sound isn’t complete without the incomparable Jacob Slichter on drums, the bass playing of John Munson, and all the other musicians that helped fill the sound. Together they created an album full of hopefulness with songs like “Grow Your Own,”“Keep Me In Motion,” and more. They top it all off with what I think is the perfect song for the New Year on “Beautiful Sky.” I hope we hear more from them, because we need that hope more than ever.
Related Article: Semisonic brings it back home to First Avenue for the Current's 18th Anniversary

Andrew’s Favorite Albums:
Dial Tone "Dial Tone"
This album eally hits it's stride with the steady of stream of punk rock "Ambrosia" "Bitch Cup" "No Harm" and "No Foul". The tone shifts a bit with a sweet rocking duet on "Say It Like You Mean It." The whole album is great, but these songs stand out as one of the best series on any album I listened to this year. While the whole album embraces "seize the day" and "living with no regrets" energy, I think the penultimate track "Ferris Bueller" best encapsulates it. The song is fun with lyrics lifted from quotes from the movie.
Favorite Track: Bitch Cup
Related Article: Scarlet Goodbye and Dial Tone at Driftwood Char Bar
Thank You, I'm Sorry "Growing In Strange Places"
What immediately stands out on "Growing in Strange Places" is the cleverness of the self-deprecating lyrics. For the most part the vocals are sung in a sweet, shy way that fit the lyrical themes of doubt, feeling like an imposter, and being unsure how to navigate such a strange world. The second thing that stands out after listening to the entire album is the diversity of songs that all fall under the wider rock genre. "Autonomy Shop" is punkish, "Brain Empty" leans heavy into electronics, "Chronically Online" is a hardcore track, while two tracks later you have "Parking Lot" which is an adorable emo love song. There is even a spaced out distorted "Interlude." What really drew me to this album though is how sincere and relatable every song feels. Even if you've not lived the experience the lyrics are singing about, it's easy to relate to songs like "Chronically Online" after realizing you've been staring at your phone for an entire day.
Favorite Track: Autonomy Shop
Basketball Divorce Court "rebound"
"rebound" is a slam dunk! (Ugh, sorry.) It's impossible to listen to this album and not be impressed by Katy Kelly's vocal performance, one moment speaking in a near whisper then launching into a passionate screaming tirade. The instrumentals are energetic and lean emo-hardcore, perfectly supporting Katy's raw and emotional lyrics. I haven't had a chance to catch Basketball Divorce Court IRL, but they had an amazing performance on their Ear Coffee session.
Favorite Track: oops! we don't use that word on barbie.com
Related Article: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 06/14/23
Mama Rose "BETWEEN"
I first heard this album during a busy work day and though I was in an office surrounded by people, the sounds coming through my large over the ear headphones swept all that away and formed a protective layer of calmness and comfort. Most of the lyrics are about nature, different phases of life and death, or some form of affirmation. The singing is very spiritual, with occasional beautiful harmonies, and features spoken poetry. The background music is often nature sounds, simple percussion, or humming and chants. Throw on this album if you've had stressful day and need to relax.
Favorite Track: Powerful Soul
Related Article: Mama Rose "Set the Clock Down" Review
Anita Velveeta "i saw the devil in portland oregan"
Anita's musical output is just impressive. Initially torn between writing about "Western Amphetamines" and this album, I threw on "i saw the devil in portland oregan" and was instantly reminded of how much ass this album kicks. Both albums are amazing and could easily make this list, but I find myself drawn to the more hard rock influenced of the two albums. The album is distorted from beginning to end, you're often pummeled by a wall of intense percussive sound. Lyrics are shouted at you and sometime taking a few listens to catch was is actually being said. I'm definitely looking forward to Anita's next release.
Related Article: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 09/06/23
Doggy "Raise Yourself"
"Raise Yourself" blends a nostalgic emo sound with bittersweet indie rock. The first several tracks have a duet feel, with Alexis and John switching up who takes lead vocals. Starting off with typical emo instrumentals, the album almost seems to sonically transition to a more indie vibe, peaking with my favorite songs on the album "carousel" and "scotty." With its DIY aesthetic, the album conjures blurry memories of hanging out with friends in basements laughing and having fun.
Favorite Track: scotty
Related Article: MINNESOTA SOUND REVIEWS - 07/12/23
Honorable Mentions:
daycare "College as Daycare/Daycare as Heaven or Hell"
Double Grave "What Else"
EVERNORTH "Forever Seems So Far Away"
Full Catholic "All Is Well"
Heart to Gold "Tom"
Leslie Vincent "About Last Night"
Mild Manner "Over//Grow"
MMYYKK "The Midst of Things"
Moonlit Mushroom "Dreaming Lucid"
See More Perspective "Edgar Allen Poe Dameron"
Join us February 24th at Eagles 34! Profits from the show will be donated to She Rock She Rock! We have an amazing line-up: Mild Manner, Drey D.K., Admiral Fox, and Setsun! Meet the Melodic Noise Media writers! RSVP on Facebook.