Jesse Norell "Aorta Borealis"

Albums like Jesse Norell’s Aorta Borealis are why the independent music world needs to exist. While it’s more chaotic than the wild west when trying to standout from the crowd of countless artists, there’s a level of creative freedom that allows your music your way. You can try and emulate what is topping the charts, or you can write a concept album.

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Visual Artist Interview Series Vol. 1: Pat Jensen

Pat Jensen is an awesome human and an acrylic painter and illustrator from Minnesota. His curiosity, sense of humor, and positivity speak loudly in his art. He has created artwork for Sage Francis, Del The Funky Homosapien, Carnage the Executioner, Toy Machine skateboards, Strange Famous Records, Ecid, and countless others.

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Art-a-Whirl 2022

On the last Sunday of May, I was able to catch a friend of mine, Alyse Carbonell, play on the Q.arma (pronounced karma) stage in Northeast Minneapolis before playing a set with my own band, Foe, on the same stage. Art-a-Whirl is a three day extravaganza celebrating art, creation, and local businesses in Northeast Minneapolis. Events are hosted at countless venues, drawing thousands of people who are interested in local music, visual art, food, and drinks - to name a few. The weather cooperated brilliantly, giving us beautiful weather over the weekend, allowing participants to enjoy exploring the event, trying out food from local food trucks, and sipping on beers and iced coffees comfortably.

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Samuel Wilbur "Bad Faith" Video

Samuel Wilbur is out with a new synth rock single that’s an exciting listen musically and carries an important message. As the title suggests, the song is about bad faith arguments. The song is addressed to someone (“you”) who is making bad faith arguments, and it’s sort of a diss track about this person and this sort of argument, saying “no one wins anyone over.”

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Couch Potato Massacre "Culture Shock"

Just weeks before the pandemic laid the world low, Couch Potato Massacre had cemented their permanent lineup and began playing shows in support of their then recently released 6 song EP, Booze and Delusions. Undaunted by what could’ve been a setback, the band took advantage of the time to write and record, ultimately selecting 6 new tracks to couple with Booze and Delusions to produce their debut full length, Culture Shock, set to release on June 1 st , 2022 on OutLoud Records (Lodi, CA).

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Space Monkey Mafia "Banned from California"

Banned from California is an album we needed to hear right now. The listening experience is truly cathartic, the perfect reprieve from the stresses of everyday life. Take a moment to grab some headphones and sit down with this album. Or even better, dance it out.

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