Samuel Wilbur "Bad Faith" Video

Review by: Lucas Kurmis, Writer @KurmisTheFrog
Edited by: Andrew Perrizo, Writer/Assistant Editor

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Samuel Wilbur is out with a new synth rock single that’s an exciting listen musically and carries an important message. As the title suggests, the song is about bad faith arguments. The song is addressed to someone (“you”) who is making bad faith arguments, and it’s sort of a diss track about this person and this sort of argument, saying “no one wins anyone over.” There is some catharsis in these lyrics, as I’m sure everyone has run into this sort of argument before, and this sort of callout sheds to light how pointless and tiring it is to argue with that sort of person. I hope this is a song to teach more people how to call out that type of argument, or at least give some perspective on how hollow it is.
The music video adds to the excitement that the instrumentals give us. Samuel uses a drone to give us sweeping shots of lakes and forests, and he makes them more interesting with kaleidoscopic effects. We have shots of Samuel in several different spots in the same frame. We have shapes and lyrics moving around the frame, highlighting important lyrics, and really giving them presence. The title lyric “bad faith” is especially interesting, positioned over the horizon on those sweeping drone shots, and at certain points obscured or cut apart, like the words “bad faith” themselves are choppy.

The song 'Bad Faith' was inspired by all the hot takes and bad faith arguments I saw online during the first year of Covid. The internet was bringing out the worst sides of people in a whole new way, but like the song says, as soon as you engage in an argument online, you've already lost. I shot and edited the video myself over the last two years with footage I took from trips to northern Minnesota and Wisconsin in the fall.” -Samuel Wilbur

Check out Samuel Wilbur’s full album "King Lear II" available their bandcamp. The 2nd single "Outlaws" and 3rd single "Pure" are out on all the evil streaming services now (Follow them on Spotify!)

You can see Samuel Wilbur live with their band, Pelicant, playing at the 331 Club on June 17th with Falcon Arrow and Cola Horse!

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