Visual Artist Interview Series Vol. 1: Pat Jensen

Pat Jensen is an awesome human and an acrylic painter and illustrator from Minnesota. His curiosity, sense of humor, and positivity speak loudly in his art. He has created artwork for Sage Francis, Del The Funky Homosapien, Carnage the Executioner, Toy Machine skateboards, Strange Famous Records, Ecid, and countless others.

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On top of running his own series of underground house shows at his venue, the 319 Club and curating a monthly livestream segment through his Bandcamp, the Twin Cities’ own “stateless Minneapolitan” has been constructing his newest collection of original tunes, performing many of them for those who stay late at his house shows, and as a fan, I can report that the anticipation has been palpable.

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When it comes to songwriting and mood-setting, Joey Novacheck is a natural.
Natural is great at putting you into a place with minimal and typically warm instrumentation. Generally, this is an album for relaxing, sitting somewhere comfortable, and simply listening. Joey primarily uses guitar, piano, a droning synth tone, and plenty of his signature banjo stylings. The minimal sound draws you to the vocal delivery and the lyrics, which are worth the attention.

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A Pattern In The Way is a collection of dense, richly textured alt-rock and post-rock whose lyrics explore all the negative mental patterns you might find yourself in, be it dwelling on moments from the past, struggling with self-doubt, or lengthy contemplations on depression.

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